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Articles Posted in Real Life Story


“To Celebrate Older Americans’ Month I’m Expanding My Business, Not Retiring.”

This year marks the 60th anniversary of Older Americans Month, as President Biden wrote in his recent presidential proclamation on the occasion. Thirty-three years ago, President George Bush, Sr., observed that Americans age 85 and older constituted one of the fastest growing segments of our population and that 1 in…


CoVid Nursing Home Restrictions Present Special Challenges For Guardians

Guardianship is among the services that I have specialized training and experience to provide. Guardianship is a legal process whereby a court appoints a qualified individual the authority to make decisions on behalf of a person who is deemed to be legally incapacitated. The Guardian’s ward (the person I am…


Some Senior Housing Placements Continue During the CoVID Pandemic

I have repeatedly been asked in recent weeks whether a move to a senior living community at this time is “safe.” My answer? No, it is not as safe as we would hope, given the prevalence and the uncertainties of the coronavirus, CoVID10. While reported nursing home deaths related to…


A Gun May Not Be The Deadliest Weapon In Your Senior Loved One’s Home

A lively discussion about gun control with friends and siblings brought back a memory about an instance a case where an adult with dementia and other psychiatric issues endangered the life of his spouse of over more than 50 years. My client hired me because her husband had been hospitalized…


The next time a client says, ‘Religion isn’t important to my making a move,’ I won’t take it on faith!

My client is the lovely granddaughter of a woman who was 99 years old when we met. They are of the Jewish faith. The granddaughter had contacted me over concerns that her grandmother was running out of money while living at home and paying for 24-hour caregiver services. The services…


Before You Take Your Loved One to a Holiday Party, Let Relatives Who Are Unaware of a Person With Dementia (PWD) Diagnosis Be Made Aware of It

The holidays can be a profoundly stressful time for a Person With Dementia (PWD) and his/her family members. To avoid even more stress and any potentially awkward or embarrassing situations, family members who don’t know about the PWD’s diagnosis should be made aware of it. That way, you will avoid…

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