When I am hired by a family whose loved one has Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia, my thoughts immediately turn to my Father. My Mother, who is a registered nurse, insisted upon caring for him at home until his medical conditions forced his transfer to a nursing home.…
Chicago Senior Living Advisors Blog
Understand Your Loved One’s Terms Of Permanent Admission At A Nursing Home
During the week, I was presenting my “Senior Living Myths Unmasked – Separating Fact From Fiction,” to a group of business owners. As a senior living advisor, I told them that I always make certain that a skilled nursing community is certified for Medicare and Medicaid and to understand any…
Glenwood Gardens Incident Teaches A Lesson About Long Term Care Licensing
The firestorm controversy regarding the refusal of a retirement community nurse to administer CPR to an 87 year old resident of its independent living section has been fueled, in part, by faulty media coverage. On the morning of March 4, 2013, I heard a reporter on a local news radio…
Watch Your Senior Loved Ones’ Hospital Admissions, Discharges, and Re-admissions
I remember when my 91 year old mother was admitted to the hospital after a mini-stroke (TIA), I was not caught off guard. She has had a history of having TIA for many years. As a senior living advisor, I have toured and evaluated over 400 senior living communities in…
Patient Status Can Cause Controversy Under Medicare 30-day Readmission Rules
If a Medicare recipient needs to be admitted to the hospital in the near future, you will need to watch the category into which his/her stay is classified. The Medicare 30-Day Readmission Rules have imposed two classifications into which a hospital admission can be classified. The first classification is “inpatient”…
Options Are Limited For Persons With Dementia Under 65
The prospects of alternative living options for people with dementia who are under the age of 65 are not plentiful. Although there are assisted living communities offering memory support for prospective residents under the age of 65, the pay source is strictly private. I have been faced with situations where…
Placement At The Wrong Level Of Care Causes The Senior To Suffer
I have been working with a lot of families who are not familiar with the differences between types of services that are provided at the independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care levels. The result is that they waste a lot of time touring communities that are inappropriate for…
When Transitioning A Loved One To Long Term Care Be Cautious Of What You Promise
Whether you are moving your loved one into a high end assisted living community or a nursing home that will eventually accept public aid, it is mostly a heartbreaking event that is stressful for the senior and their family. Because it is such an emotional event, you need to be…
When It Comes To Long Term Care Communities, Keep Your Expectations In Perspective
For the first time in the seven years that I have been a senior living advisor, I actually told a prospective client not to move their loved one out of the current long term care community. About 50% of my clients come from the children of elderly loved ones who…
Don’t Let Your Senior Loved Enter The Long-Term Care, “Black Hole.”
In this past week, I have had many clients approach me with long term care placements involving potential shortages of funds. All of them were approaching what I call the long-term care “black hole.” Let me explain exactly what I mean by that as it will vary according to the…