“When choosing a long-term care community for your loved one, make sure his/her care-level needs and financial realities are appropriately assessed.”
As part of my services, I always meet and get to know the person I’m about to place. My past experience as an admissions director of a continuing care community (one offering Independent living, assisted living, and a nursing home on a single campus) taught me how to assess an individual’s mobility and cognitive impairment (if any). An assessment also affords me the opportunity to meet family members, see the person’s current living conditions, and find out the person’s financial realities. All of these factors play an important part in the options I present to my clients. As families who “go it alone” and clients of other service providers have sometimes discovered too late, a mistake in assessing any one of these factors can result in misplacement of a client. This, in turn, can lead to a rapid decline in a senior’s well-being, more serious adversities, and even yet another move – a heartache and inconvenience that no resident or family should ever have to endure. This month’s real life story emphasizes that fact.