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The Video! Senior Living Moments–Words to the Wise


The holidays are a cherished time for families to be together – a time to make new memories and to celebrate the past. The holidays are also a time when family members might notice that an older loved one is declining physically or mentally. For example, the onset of winter weather might make a senior’s physical limitations more evident or more worrisome. Gradual changes that were not obvious to nearby family members over the past year might be very apparent to a visiting relative. Suddenly, family members might be aware that they have entered yet another new season in life: a season of care-giving and or long-term care planning. This is when I can help.

Over the past four years, I’ve been blessed to be able to help many families place their elderly loved ones in a community that matches their medical needs and financial realities.

This month, I’m happy to present some “Real Life Stories,” to you in the form of testimonials from my clients. It is always nice to hear someone else tell his or her story.

Please enjoy the video and share it with anyone who may have a need for my services. Above all, stay safe and have a great Thanksgiving!
